Developing the range of products of high-quality for bed patients, our company started the cooperation with the leader at the market of absorbing products – the company ABENA from Denmark; the quality of products of this company is appreciated as the best one in the field of safety for the patients who suffer enuresis.
Enuresis is the condition that is characterised with impossibility of the patient to control the process of urination. Enuresis influences practically all sides of life of patients, making worse their social, professional and domestic adaptation – all the things which are usually identified with «quality of life». The problem of enuresis is on the joint of several medical fields. The quality of absorbing products are capitally important during nursing these patients.
ABENA is the Danish company founded in 1953. The productive capacities, innovative technologies and clinical tests allow this company to keep the leading position in the field of quality. The huge range gives the opportunity to select the goods according to the type of use (bed patient, wheelchair-bound invalid, patient who reserves motor activity etc.), size (from the smallest teen patient till the adult patient), degree of absorption.
Many years' experience, cooperation with the leading profile clinics and steady investing into the production allowed ABENA to work out the unique products against enuresis. The innovative researches and use of the most modern materials showed the high results and guaranteed the strong protection and safe use for the patient.
All products ABENA have the highest possible indicators in the field of speed and capacity of absorption. ABENA are the products created with maximal concern.